Hi everyone! It has been far to long. We have some awesome news, I am sure most of you already know but we are expecting a little one in may! We are so excited to meet the sweet spirit that has been causing me some unwanted sickness. ;) But never the less we are so blessed to be able to start our little family.
We find our the gender on Decemer 14th, and Mike is waiting anxiously to find out. He thinks and wants the baby to be a boy, but I on the other hand don't know and don't care the gender as much as i do a healthy baby. I'm good with either gender.
Our other awesome news is that mike has gotten a job opportunity with ogden city being a police officer. We are excited for him to start there as well. He will start in late January early February.
Our house is hopefully going to be back in order before the baby comes but we will see, you never know what the futur brings. That's our update for now, I will try to post pics of the ultra sounds and then post the announcement of the gender of the baby!!! :D