Well my dad finished what he needed to and he came back saturday afternoon to sand. I went down there with him to get a look at things and much to our suprise we were looking at where he said the he saw the bubbles. Mike said that it looked like it was wet. He felt it and it was wet! Oh great!
So we were wondering if it was the washer, we went and checked the washer and no water! So we checked underneath the sink, No water. Well crap what now? Cut the sheetrock? Yup that's what we did. One square got cut right above the leak and there were the hot and cold water pipes. They weren't wet. But my dad could feel where the water was and it wasn't coming from above, it was coming from a side.
He had the hunch that the leak was coming from the drain. More cutting the sheetrock? Yes that's what happened. So now we have a hole in the ceiling. BOO!! ha ha well when we cut the last square we found where the water was remotely coming from but not the source. We found that the pipe where the water had been leaking down was kinda moldy. GROSS!!! I'm discusted now. So we go back upstairs and look where the pipe goes.
Come to find out it goes behind the lazy susan. Oy!! So we had to take the lazy susan apart. The fun that was! So now we have the lazy susan apart all over our kitchen. Fun stuff. My dad had to cut a little bit of the sheetrock away from the pipe so that he could feel around it and see if he could find a leak anywhere.
much to our suprise he found a four inch crack in the pipe, and another one around the back that you obviously couldn't see. This is FANTASTIC news!! I'm jumping for joy! NOT! We have to replace a pipe now! I'm not excited at all!
So we were going to go to lowes and get the stuff to do it but we figured we have a warrenty on our house for a year and I can't tell you how much it has saved our rear ends! Needless to say we're extending the warrenty before it ends. So we put a claim into the warrenty place and they are sending someone out to fix it either monday or tuesday.
Our kitchen is a mess and it's is annoying me. We can't use our kitchen sink or our dishwasher because the dain is cracked so it would just make the matter worse. It is very inconvinient for us. But all I have to say is it's a good thing that I don't cook. Ha ha.
So that was our fun saturday afternoon! Here's some advice for future home owners: purchase a warrenty on your house before you buy it, it saves you so much money!
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