Thursday, February 23, 2012


Yes you heard me RSV, Mckay has it and it sucks! Luckily it hadn't gotten into her lungs yet so we caught it just in time. Our doctor actually said that every child will get RSV at least 3 to 5 times by the time they are 5 years old. I was really surprised! 

I guess it's just a common cold that hasn't spread to your lungs then you'll be okay but if it does then that's when you need to worry. 

Mckay has had a runny stuffy nose, clamminess, fever, a cough and she's lost her appetite. It's so scary, but there is not any medicine for RSV seeing how it's virus. All you can do is if it's not in your child's lung is give them Tylenol or Advil for the fever and do a saline spray and suction out their nose. 

If it does end up getting into their lungs most likely they will be admitted to the hospital to be given oxygen and have their vitals monitored. 

Since she's been sick which has been since Sunday/Monday-ish,She's been really cuddly and just content and just wants loves. I love when she's cuddly like she has been but man, it does make it hard to do anything around the house. 

Monday Mike got sick with the stomach flu, so Mckay and I went to my parents house to stay away and hopefully not get sick. Well it worked for me but I think unfortunately Mckay was already sick by that time. She has had a cough for a while but it's now sounding like a croup cough. Its horrible. 

She has been sleeping on her boppy at the beginning of the night till she's in a deeper sleep then I'll move her off of it so she can roll around like she likes. Yesterday she couldn't sleep without me holding her to be inclined. It sure made it hard to do ANYTHING!! 

I gave her a bath and that kept her entertained for a while but you can only bend over the side of the tub for so long. She loves her bath time though just give her a toy and she's set. 

Anyways, The doctor said that RSV lasts about a week, it's at it worst about the 3rd or 4th day, then gets better after that. I'm thinking yesterday was the 3rd or 4th day. She slept tons better last night, I only had to sleep in the rocking chair for three hours instead of 7 1/2, tons better, especially since the rocking chair isn't made to sleep in for that long anyways. Lol. 

We're on the mend. I'm crossing my fingers that Mckay will be better by Sunday. We however are not going to be going to church because of her having RSV. Especially since we're in the primary and our kids love to play with Mckay and touch her hands. We're not even going to chance it. Even if she is feeling better we don't want it to come back. 

So this has been our week of sickness. I hope to not have to deal with RSV again! I could barely handle it with Mckay, She's so temperamental. It's about enough to drive you nuts! I still love her though so that's what makes it easier to handle. 

I haven't been sick so that is a really good thing. If I were to have what Mike had on Monday I would have most likely ended up in the hospital for dehydration. Glad I didn't get sick. 

Our baby's name

We have decided to name her Grace and call her Gracie. I just hope that she stays a girl, (seeing as how last time we went to the doctors, the umbilical cord was in between the legs so it was hard to see). Our doctor gave us a word of caution, she said the gender is subject to change because I wasn't able to get a great look but I'm pretty sure your having another girl. :) 

I am not going to lie, I was kind of hoping for a little man but I will take Gracie, I'm fine with that. I'm sure she'll  be as sweet as Mckay (crossing my fingers that she'll be just as easy as Mckay has been as well)

If the baby's gender does change, we are in for it. We have no names even agreed on, or thought of. Absolutely Nothing for clothing, I would be doing a ton of shopping at Kid to kid, that's for sure. Either way I love that place, (I used to work there) but other then that you can get AWESOME clothing that hasn't even been worn really for next to nothing!

We are 18 weeks today!! It's crazy to me how fast this pregnancy is going. Maybe because I forget that I'm pregnant at times, or maybe because I've been pregnant before and I'm not such a worry wart with this pregnancy, well, I am but just because it wasn't planned out like it was with Mckay. I'm still excited. 

Some days I think to myself "How the heck am I going to do this with two kids???" I have asked my friend that has a three year old and a seven month old how she does it and she's still trying to get the hang of it!! EEK!!! I'm getting more nervous for the fact that I will not only have a baby that will hopefully be walking but yet a baby that isn't as self efficient as Mckay. They rely on you for everything where Mckay is able to hold her bottle and eat regular food. I know it has been done but I am just nervous, excited, anxious, scared. It won't be real until our little baby Gracie gets here. 

Sorry I just had to vent a bit. Life is scary at times.  

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love the name Grace! Both Kat and Emma have bff's that are Gracie's and we love them!
You will do great! I thinkwe learn to adapt as mothers, no matter what we are given!
We love you guys and can't wait to see you in April!!!