Yes she did this by herself!! We're getting there.

Grandpa Howell trying to get her to crawl!!

Grandpa put her on all fours to try to get me to crawl, little does he know....

She doesn't want to crawl and she's going to let you know!

I gave her a cracker and left the rest on the counter, and I left to go downstairs for a second and came back up and she had pulled the rest of the crackers down, gotten more out and she was eating them. She had like two in her one hand. Little stink!

Ok so I was laughing so hard this is so funny. She loves to put things in her mouth. This is my hoodie string, she puts it in her mouth and then juts out her jaw and tilts her head up it's so stinking cute!! Oh I love her!

These are all her toys. She loves being on the floor and playing and rolling around. She loves books, I am not sure if it's the hearing the stories or if it's the chewing on them that she likes the most (I'm going to go with the chewing on them).
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