Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ok so here's our deal, we don't know if we'll be moving anymore. we might just be stuck in the apartment ha ha. so we're calling the people that we're supposed to rent it from today and we'll see what we all decide to do. Because as of right now we wouldn't know if we could move in, untill the day that we're supposed to be in the house and out of the apartment. So really we want to be able to know where we're going to live. Not knowing where we're going to live isn't going to fly. So I guess we'll see what happens. This whole thing really sucks!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hi everyone!! Ok so I've been really bad at updating this thing. I've been really busy lately. We are moving to South Ogden on June 13th, I'm studying for my state boards for school and I graduate school on June 16th!!! I'm so excited!!! I am looking to work at a smart style in walmart, but I am not sure where I'll end up working at. Hopefully somewhere I'll make some money. :D Yippie!!! We are so excited to move into our new house, We're just going to be renting it for right now and then we'll see what happens. I am so excited to have a bigger space to live!! We'll have a yard to take care of and all that fun jazz. :D SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!